Apollo – Huai­cun’s World Blos­som – Solo Exhib­i­tion

By Apollo

Exhib­i­tion 11th to 23rd July 2022 10am to 5pm Mall Gal­ler­ies, The Mall, St. James’s, Lon­don SW1Y 5AS

Ori­gin­at­ing from the vast grass­land of Mobei, she is like a seed brought by the wind. Before it landed, it endured the blaz­ing sun, tasted the sweet rain­drops, and faced the darkest winter. All it wished for was to grow into a great plant. It pushed through the soil, flour­ished into col­our­ful pen­cil trees, and brought us the forever green in spring.

Ori­gin­at­ing from the vast grass­land of Mobei, she is like a seed brought by the wind. Before it landed, it endured the blaz­ing sun, tasted the sweet rain­drops, and faced the darkest winter. All it wished for was to grow into a great plant. It pushed through the soil, flour­ished into col­our­ful pen­cil trees, and brought us the forever green in spring.

This exhib­i­tion will bring a selec­tion of her tra­di­tional Chinese ink paint­ings, oil paint­ings and chil­dren’s illus­trated books. Her poetic art­works using lotuses, plums, and trees com­ple­ment them­selves eleg­antly and vig­or­ously on spe­cial Xuan paper. Apart from the stun­ning images, each blos­som has an unyield­ing and determ­ined char­ac­ter. Just like any human being. Just like you and I.

This exhib­i­tion will bring a selec­tion of her tra­di­tional Chinese ink paint­ings, oil paint­ings and chil­dren’s illus­trated books. Her poetic art­works using lotuses, plums, and trees com­ple­ment them­selves eleg­antly and vig­or­ously on spe­cial Xuan paper. Apart from the stun­ning images, each blos­som has an unyield­ing and determ­ined char­ac­ter. Just like any human being. Just like you and I.

You may hear a soft pit­ter-pat­ter echo­ing in the gal­ler­ies, that is the song of free spir­its trav­el­ling and trans­form­ing into dif­fer­ent art forms. She shows the world her hon­esty and child-like inno­cence in her remark­able art­works.

You may hear a soft pit­ter-pat­ter echo­ing in the gal­ler­ies, that is the song of free spir­its trav­el­ling and trans­form­ing into dif­fer­ent art forms. She shows the world her hon­esty and child-like inno­cence in her remark­able art­works.

This poet’s name is Huai­cun Zhang.

Huaicun’s World, Blossom is showing at Mall Galleries from 12 – 23 July 2022

All images are courtesy of the artist and gallery.